
We’d like to take the time to share a story behind an urn we did for a special customer, Debbie, and her sweet pet Honeybear. Honeybear was a loving, and beautiful golden retriever. She was very loved during her time here and, like many, was very hard to say goodbye to when it was her time to embark on a new journey. We were so honored that we were able to offer Debbie comfort through specializing Honeybear’s memory with a custom made urn pictured below. It is one of our favorites not only because of how beautiful this specific product turned out, but because of the special meaning behind it.

Here are some words from Debbie, in honor of Honeybear…
Honeybear was an amazing golden retriever. We have had many, but Honeybear was special. She really was the true queen bee! I chose her from a liter of 6 and the reason I chose her was because she was the only one that didn’t come to me! She sat there and looked at me like she was saying ” I go to no one, they come to me!” And she was right! Everybody flocked to Honeybear! She was such a mellow girl. She didn’t run around, she pranced! She had a lot of funny little things she did. One of the funniest things was when we someone would get in the car with us and she was there first, she would not move over! Many times my friends would have to ride in the back seat or get in on the passenger side because she refused to move away from the window! If it was a short ride we didn’t mind, because we would all go along with it and laugh the whole way! Another funny thing she used to do was refuse to walk with anybody but me! One time that really makes me laugh is when we went on vacation and I asked my Dad to walk her while I showered and he put the leash on her, got her outside to the end of the drive and she put on the brakes!!! She refused to go any further with out me. We were inseparable. She went every where with me. She loved the car! I never had to role up the windows because I knew she wouldn’t go anywhere. She also was probably the most photographed dog around. When people would see here sitting in the passenger seat of my corvette they always took pictures. She was a very cool dog! I’ll share one more of my favorite stories about Honeybear which is probably my favorite. Honeybear loved apples, so in the summertime when they would fall from the tree she would go out and eat just one for breakfast. She never ate more than that during the day. And at night when I would tell her it’s time for bed she would go to the front door and give this faint little bark that meant let me out and she would go to the bathroom then go over and smell each and every Apple before picking out her favorite and then she would bring it in to her bed and I would hear her crunching on her Apple before we would all go to sleep! I think I miss that the most! We have so many great memories of her I wish I could tell the whole world about how special and wonderful she was. So to honor her we ordered the most beautiful urn I could find! I wanted something as beautiful and as unique as she was. I wanted something nice to have on my bedside to wish her goodnight. So now, even after death she remains by my side just as faithful and true as she has always been. When I’m really missing her, all I need to do is reach over and tap on her beautiful box and tell her how beautiful she is and how much I miss her. There is something very comforting about knowing she is right by my side when I fall asleep and when I wake up. For me, there was no other way to honor my best friend. I truly loved my Honeybear.
XOXO, Debbie